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GMAT - Aufgabe 2

Im GMAT müssen mathematische und sprachliche Aufgaben gelöst werden. Der Bereich Reading Comprehension macht ungefähr ein Drittel der Verbal-Fragen aus. Es handelt es sich um eine Schnellleseübung mit Fragen. Es wird unter anderem getestet, ob der Teilnehmer in der Lage ist, den Text schnell zu erfassen, zu analysieren und Rückschlüsse zu ziehen.

Reading Comprehension - Aufgabe 2

Lesen Sie den folgenden Text einmal schnell durch und beantworten Sie die Fragen auf der nächsten Seite!

Whistleblower laws, as the moniker might imply, are pieces of legislation existing at the federal and state level that are intended to encourage employees to bring a stop to corruption and mismanagement. On the typical assembly line, a person may physically pull or blow a whistle to halt production in order to correct a faulty production process. Likewise, the federal government has passed legislation to provide incentives, as well as protection, to government employees who witness coworkers, and, now more than ever, managers, who are behaving in ways that can be construed as an abuse of their position, or as an outright violation of the law.

Increasingly, the term whistleblower has come to be associated with somebody who informs on a group of trusting coworkers. However, it is exactly this type of connotation that whistleblower laws seek to remove from the mind of the public. Government bureaucracy and state-financed corporations can at times appear to operate above the law, outlasting administrations, evading the discipline of elective review, and oiling their machinery while largely hiding from the public eye. Therefore, it is especially important to make it possible for courageous employees who find themselves entangled in a business or department with its own agenda in mind to be able to speak out on behalf of the larger interests of voters, to whom these entities are responsible. Since an employee wh decides to report illegal or unreasonable behavior to the authorities regularly finds himself to be the subject of intense scrutiny, or even fabricated accusations, if he continues to stay at his place of employment, it is necessary to make the act of bringing unethical performance to light appealing enough to outweigh the disincentives posed by angry coworkers, punitive bosses, and a national, culture that can frown on disloyalty, even if it is for all the right reasons.

In line with this reasoning, whistleblower laws often provide the employee with a percentage of the money considered 'saved' by his honesty. Moreover, a settlement or court award reached as a result of the disclosure of these problematic issues is often paid to the successful whistleblower to compensate for the risk he has assumed. From another perspective, the employee is sinultaneously given protection against undue dismissal and other retaliatory measures that a corporation or department might privately take against 20 the plaintiff after official investigations are underway. These incentives were meant to make whistleblower laws both a progressive reform and effective legislation, so much so that the lucrative prospects of being a whistleblower has not only brought iriany reluctant employees forward, but also has encouraged some to go into the business of poaching through phonebooks for dubious employers with an eye towards reporting them to government investigators and collecting their prize once a decision is reached.

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Reading Comprehension - Aufgaben und Lösungen

GMAT Verbal Study Companion

Diese Aufgabe stammt aus dem Buch GMAT Verbal Study Companion von Manhattan Review.
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